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The main applications are found in Geology, Petroleum Engineering, Mining and Mineral Exploration, Oceanography, Limnology, Paleoclimatology,  Sedimentology, Environmental Science, Dendrochronology, Dendrochemistry and Environmental Forensics.


The Itrax instruments can be used for fast scanning of mineral drill cores, cores of sedimentary material like shale, limestone, etc. The scanning provides data on the bulk composition, as well as elements present at lower concentrations, and even trace level elements. You also get information about the distribution of most elements at any concentration.


Scanning of wet, split sediment cores apply to e.g. deep sea exploration, paleoclimatic reconstructions, and oceanography. Follow the Paleoclimatology link under Applications for more information about this.


Wood density is a field of application where density images are used to determine parameters like year ring width and maximum density in each year ring, which are important parameters in Follow the Wood Examinations link for more information about wood applications.


XRF scanning of wood and sediments are finding applications in environmental research and environmental forensics.


You can read more about the different applications in the Applications submenu

Photo: Antelope Canyon, AZ, USA

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