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Itrax XRF Core Scanner


With Itrax, you can have

a combination of high scan

speed, small steps and re-

liable results. This example

from Itrax Core Scanner

shows two element profiles,

one red and one black, each displaying one Manganese profile as recorded in two consecutive scans of the same core. Each profile contains 3,000 measurements with a spot size and step of 0.2 millimeter, at a measuring time at each spot of 1 second. The average Manganese concentration range is ~0.02 - 0.2%. Applying longer measurement time improves the precision further.

  • Itrax Core Scanner combines scanning XRF, x-ray radiographic images, and high quality optical images from a RGB line camera with crossed polarizing filters. Magnetic susceptibility measurements can also be added.

  • Sample length is up to 185 centimeters.

  • Sample types include wet, split sediment cores in liners, drill cores, slabs, and other flat samples.

  • This instrument really excels in terms of speed and data quality, especially when it comes to millimeter level and sub millimeter increment scanning. The scanning step size is variable in the 10-0.2 (0.1) millimeter range. This flexibility allows for quick overview scans as well as detailed high resolution scans. Itrax Core Scanner has a very useful feature in that it does not loose speed as the step size is decreased, all the way down to 0.2 (0.1) millimeter.

  • The built-in x-ray radiography is a useful complement to the XRF, since it shows an image of the often small variations in density variation and chemistry along the sample, allowing for visualization of layered structures.

  • The RGB camera has crossed polarizing filter in order to minimize the surface effects of the the sample surface, due to water, etc.

  • Measurements are non destructive and performed without touching the sample surface.

  • The elements that can be detected range from Mg-U. The detection limits vary depending on choice of x-ray tube anode element.

  • The concentrations and all other data are available directly after the analysis, without need for calibration with other analyses.

  • You find this instrument installed at many renowned universities and research institutes.

  • Itrax Core Scanner data are published in over 200 new scientific articles every year, making it the most used XRF scanner for scientific publishing by far.

On the Products overview page you find a list of inventions that were first introduced by our company. Most of them are still unique for the Itrax scanners, adding important aspects to the performance.


This image shows an example of a x-ray radiographic image of a laminated sediment section, as recorded with Itrax Core Scanner. The height of the section is about 28 millimeter. Darker parts show higher density.

If you would like to have more information about our products, a brochure, a technical comparison of our different scanners, a quote, a list of scientific articles containing Itrax data, a demo, etc., please click here for a form

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