Itrax Multiscanner

The sample holder with wood laths mounted, and the
density calibration ladder on the right side.
The Itrax Multiscanner is developed for analysis of wood samples, and combines density measurements using digital x-ray radiography, XRF multi-element analysis and RGB images.
This instrument offers fast, non destructive and precise measurements with batch job support. The sample holder accepts up to nine samples at one time.
It scans over wood samples with a fine x-ray beam, to provide a high resolution density image. The scanning feature makes it possible to gather the wood data at a correct angle in each and every point. The density information is registered directly into a digital medium, with the following work done in the computer.
The digital density image has a pixel resolution of 20x25 micrometers, each containing precise density value for the corresponding area.
The XRF analysis offers an analytical resolution of 50 micrometers in the core direction, and allows for precise and non-destructive determination of a range of elements from Mg and heavier. The elements that usually are detected in wood include Mg, Al, Si, P, S, Cl, K, Ca, Ti, V, Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Rb and Sr. More elements can be detected depending on concentration in the wood, and time for analysis. Elements in wood is a field of growing scientific interest e.g. for monitoring or growth parameters, or for geographical in combination with temporal distribution of metal pollution over time.
The concentrations and all other data are available directly after the analysis, without need for calibration with other analyses.
Best results are achieved with precision sawn wood laths with a thickness of 1-2 millimeter.
The XRF software can delivers quantitative data for all detected elements.
Itrax Multiscanner is a robust construction of high Made in Sweden quality, built for 24/7 operation.​
If you would like to have more information about our products, a brochure, a technical comparison of our different scanners, a quote, a list of scientific articles containing Itrax data, a demo, etc., please click here for a form
Application links:​ Wood examinations
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