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Itrax installations worldwide

The chance is good that you can find an Itrax in your part of the world. You find Itrax scanners installed in universities, research institutes, geological surveys, and companies. Each marker on the map represents one Itrax, and you need to zoom in to see them all, since there are many markers that overlap. The installations are also listed below. Many leading paleoclimate and geology research institutes have Itrax XRF scanners, and there are also installations onboard two research ships.

Australia's Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation, Institute of Environmental Research
University of New South Wales UNSW, School of Petroleum Engineering

University of Innsbruck, Department of Geology

McMaster University, School of Geography & Earth Science, Hamilton
Université de Quebec, Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique
University of Northern British Columbia, Ecosystem Science and Management

Baoji University of Arts and Science
Beijing Capital Normal University
China University of Geosciences, School of Earth Sciences and Resources, Beijing
First Institute of Oceanography, SOA, Qingdao
Guangzhou Marine Geological Survey, GCS, Guangzhou
Institute of Botany, CAS, Beijing
Institute of Mineral Resources, CAGS, Beijing
Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research, CAS, Beijing
Lanzhou University, College of Earth and Environment Sciences
Nanjing Institute of Geology and Paleontology, CAS, Nanjing
Second Institute of Oceanography, SOA, Hangzhou
State Key Laboratory of Geol. Processes and Mineral Recources, CUG, Wuhan
State Key Laboratory of Continental Dynamics, NorthWest University, Chengdu

University of Aarhus, Center for Past Climate Studies
University of Copenhagen, Natural History Museum of Denmark

Centre Eur. de Rech. et d'Ens. des Géosc. de l'Environ., Aix-en-Provence
L'Institut Nat. de la Recherche Agron., Plateau Technique Xylosciences

GFZ GeoForshungsZentrum Helmholtz-Centre Potsdam
University of Rostock, Leibniz Insitut for Baltic Sea Research
University of Bremen, Geomorphology and Polar Research
University of Greifswald, Landscape Ecology and Ecosystem Dynamics
University of Hamburg, Department of Wood Physics
University of Köln, Institute für Geologie und Mineralogie

Geological Survey of India, installation onboard the research vessel Samudra Ratnakar

University College Dublin, Geology, Planning & Environmental Policy

Kochi University, Center for Advanced Marine Core Research, IODP Core Repository
Geological Survey of Japan, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology

Kuwait Institute of Scientific Research, Kuwait Petroleum Institute

New Zealand
University of Auckland, School of Environment
University of Otago, Department of Geology, Dunedin

University of Bergen, Institute of Geoscience

Stefan cel Mare University, Faculty of Forestry

Sukachev Institute of Forest, RAS, Krasnoyarsk

South Korea
Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Rescouces KIGAM, Petroleum and Marine Division
Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology KIOST
Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology KIOST, Itrax Core Scanner installation onboard research vessel Isabu
Korea Polar Research Institute KOPRI

Centro Technológico Forestal y de la Madera, Siero
University of Vigo, Centro de Apoio Científico e Technolóxico a Investigación C.A.C.T.I.

Swedish Geological Survey, installation of Sediment Scanner onboard the research vessel Ocean Surveyor        Linnaeus University, Department of Forestry and Wood Technology
Stockholm University, Stockholm Tree Ring Laboratory
Stockholm University, Department of Geological Sciences,

University of Bern, Institute of Geological Sciences

National Taiwan University, Department of Geosciences
National Taiwan University, Department of Forestry & Resource Conservation

Istanbul Technical University, Eurasia Earth Sciences Institute
General Directorate of Mineral research and Exploration MTA

United Kingdom
The British Geological Survey, Keyworth, Nottingham                                                        

The Forestry Commission, Northerns Research Station, Roslin
The National Oceanography Center, Southampton
University of Aberystwyth Institute of Geography and Earth Sciences                      

University of Manchester, School of Environment, Education and Development

Oregon State University, College of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences
Columbia University, Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory
University of Massachusetts, Umass Geosciences
University of Minnesota, Large Lakes Observatory
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Geology and Geophysics                                        

Core Laboratories, Houston, Texas

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